Materials We Don't Accept
Animal cages, fish tanks, feeders
Appliances Bedding, pillows, curtains, sheets, mattresses
Building materials – large or unless otherwise listed​
Carpet – large or used
Food Containers
Bottles/cans - beer, soda or water
Broken mirrors with sharp edges
Cleaning products
Cribs, playpens, bed frames
Encyclopedias or outdated textbooks (unless vintage)
Electronics – contemporary
Fabric – poor condition, dirty
Glass – broken or larger than 11X14
Hazardous – containing mercury, fuel, paint (except art/craft paint and mostly-full latex paint 1 pint or less in good condition)
Healthcare items - used, contaminated or large
Household recyclables, cookware, dishes
Lawn equipment
Makeup and personal care items
Promotional items
Tile – large or used
It is toxic, leaking, unlabeled, rusty, or dangerous. 

It is dirty, moldy, smelly, smoke-damaged, insect-damaged, or in bad condition. 

It is something that has been exposed to the elements for most of its life or stored outside.
It is more appropriate for a thrift store or other type of reuse outlet. (We focus on items for art projects, 
craft projects, re-purposing). 

It is a personal care item. Did it ever hold medication or hazardous material? Is it a used medical device? 
(crutches, walkers, intubators, braces...) 

It is hazardous/flammable (such as fuels, solvents, dead batteries).​
See our list of Accepted Materials