Classes & Workshops
1. Adult themed workshops by reservation with min and max required for the Art Scrap
2. Regular workshops offered occasionally with registration
3. Birthday parties
1. camps
2. birthday parties
1. field trips - charge,
Introduction to creative reuse and the 4R’s
Exploring examples of reuse art
Hands-on creative reuse activities
A staff-led craft project that students will keep
A tour of the facility
2. teacher trainings
Group activity focused on using materials in new ways in the classroom to teach different subjects
Hands-on craft project with reused materials
Sharing a wide variety of other creative reuse projects to do back at school
Ideas on setting up a reuse station in the classroom
Highlighting facility as a resource for teachers
3. scouting outings
2 hours in studio with host
Activities toward earning your Ecology, Art, or Building-themed badge or patch
A creative reuse craft project that Scouts will keep
A take-home kit with reused materials
Learning about the organization and creative reuse as a future resource for your scout group
4. presentation in the classroom -
Hands-on activities
Information about creative reuse
Everyone gets to make a simple project out of reused materials to take home
If you are interested in showing your art in our gallery, please get in touch with us.